The vision of KuaiToken (KT) is to build a global decentralized pan-entertainment ecosystem. In the future, in various pan-entertainment platforms within the ecosystem, such as exchanges, games, live broadcasts, etc., KT will exist as the basis for the circulation and consumption of tokens for each platform. KuaiToken, KT is a digital currency based on Ethereum Smart Contracts. It has the characteristics of stable value, openness, transparency, high recognition, and decentralized payment. All data of the KuaiToken is open, transparent, and non-tamperable. The price of each KuaiToken is fixed at approximately $0.15 (or 1CNY).
HedgeTrade is a decentralized prediction market focused on a wide variety of financial assets. Trade predictions can then be purchased using the HEDG token for users to replicate and learn from. Correct trade predictions award the trade predictor with the HEDG tokens originally put forth by those individuals who purchased that prediction originally through the marketplace. Incorrect trade predictions see the HEDG tokens used to buy that prediction returned to the original buyer(s).