AdEx (ADX) stands for “advertising exchange.” AdEx Coin is a blockchain-based marketplace for ads that aims to change the existing online advertising landscape and solve its major problems: ad fraud, privacy and consent to receive sponsored messages, etc. AdEx is fully transparent and built on the Ethereum Smart Contracts. AdEx is still in development, so it’s difficult to say much yet about it at this point. The original roadmap anticipated a beta release in February 2018. It remains to be seen if the team will meet that deadline. Future plans for version two of AdEx after launch focus on improving the user experience and scalability. AdEx has also expressed an interest in implementing a real-time bidding solution that could take place off-chain or on a high throughput network, like IOTA. AdEx raised $10 million in the first three hours of token sale. AdEx as a platform has room for a good amount of growth since digital advertising is a booming business anyway. But by eliminating flaws and continuing updates on its current platform, AdEx aims to stand firm in the near future.
MobileGo (MGO) is a smart token set to herald a new era in the gaming industry. It is intended to gamify the Esport platform and incentivize gamers for loyalty and participation through rewards. Also, we are continuously working on expanding our geographical presence, forming new partnerships with world’s top gaming companies. Our ultimate goal is to make MGO a truly global token, traversing geographical borders and making games available to everyone. The MGO token has an extremely broad scope of application, providing numerous benefits for different populations. For gamers, it will facilitate peer-to-peer matchplay and decentralized tournaments, serving both as a match reward and an entrance fee. Moreover, token holders will be able to earn additional discounts for purchasing in-game content. Game publishers can get paid in MGO, which has different advantages over fiat money, including the speed of processing payment requests. For crypto enthusiasts, it is an extremely valuable investment: With a $50 billion mobile market and around 1K games being registered on platforms like Google Play and Apple every day, acquiring just a fraction of market penetration results in large revenues.