Akropolis is building a domain-specific financial protocol dedicated to the needs of the informal economy. It is designed to: - Enable anybody regardless of geography to quickly set up, operate and grow informal autonomous financial organisations (AFOs), e.g. digital co-ops, guilds, mutuals - Enable a previously impossible interoperable scalable network between them and external third parties, whereby value can be exchanged freely in a trust-minimised way (e.g. co-invest, lend/borrow, trade). - Reduce instances of fraud and misuse of funds
DAPS is a privacy coin that aims to be the most private and secure privacy coin on the market in a hybrid chain of PoW, PoSv3 and PoA. We aim to set our protocol to become the new standard of privacy coins. What makes DAPS special is that DAPS is the first to solve the 'trust problem' for fully private chains with our PoA (Proof of Audit) algorithm which audits the chain for any abnormalities without compromising the chain's anonymity features.