Akropolis is building a domain-specific financial protocol dedicated to the needs of the informal economy. It is designed to: - Enable anybody regardless of geography to quickly set up, operate and grow informal autonomous financial organisations (AFOs), e.g. digital co-ops, guilds, mutuals - Enable a previously impossible interoperable scalable network between them and external third parties, whereby value can be exchanged freely in a trust-minimised way (e.g. co-invest, lend/borrow, trade). - Reduce instances of fraud and misuse of funds
Nucleus Vision, known as nCash was started in 2014. The idea behind the Nucleus Vision platform is to make shopping easier by using customer’s records to make precise decisions on product preferences utilizing the Internet of Things (IoT) without the use of WiFi or Bluetooth. The technology is being used by ten retail stores in India at present and also being backed up by relevant companies in the cryptocurrency and goods retail industries. For Nucleus Vision, it tends to entirely change the way merchants interact with customers/clients in physical stores.The platform also implements a much quicker and faster way of making financial transactions for a modern retail experience with the nCash token.