Akropolis is building a domain-specific financial protocol dedicated to the needs of the informal economy. It is designed to: - Enable anybody regardless of geography to quickly set up, operate and grow informal autonomous financial organisations (AFOs), e.g. digital co-ops, guilds, mutuals - Enable a previously impossible interoperable scalable network between them and external third parties, whereby value can be exchanged freely in a trust-minimised way (e.g. co-invest, lend/borrow, trade). - Reduce instances of fraud and misuse of funds
Origo Network aims to feature privacy as one of the main drivers of adopting decentralized applications (dApps). Nowhere is the need for privacy more paramount than in the collection of identity and behavior data. What is Origo? A scalable privacy preserving platform for decentralized applications. Origo token is the fuel to operate privacy preserving features on Origo network. A privacy preserving protocol that supports complete privacy protection for not only transactions but also smart contracts Origo Features - Origo Privacy Preserving Protocol - complete privacy preserving technology for smart contract input and output backed by Zero Knowledge Proof - Tailored Scalability Design for Privacy - Sharding + Stateless Client + Origo Consensus (enhanced PoS: a game theory based reward-punishment protocol)