Ankr strives to build a resource efficient blockchain framework that truly enables Distributed Cloud Computing (DCC) and provides user-friendly infrastucture for business applications. There are indeed existing cloud solutions, but Ankr is the first one to leverage both blockchain and trusted hardware. Technology Overview Ankr provides a computation-resource-efficient blockchain and an integrated data feed system leveraging both cryptographic primitives and trusted hardware Proof of Useful Work The Proof of Useful Work (PoUW) consensus enables a self-sustainable blockchain framework. Instead of wasting electricity and computing power on hashes like Bitcoin does, PoUW uses these resources towards useful work tasks provided by enterprises and consumers. The protocol runs on SGX-enabled CPUs with remote attestation to ensure security and confidentiality. The novel PoUW approach unlocks the massive potential of idle computing power around the world by providing enough incentives: in this scheme, every computation contributor gets compensated, and some will get the extra reward for generating the blocks. In the future, this mining scheme can promote Universal Basic Income (UBI). Plasma Sidechains The Multi-chain Plasma implementation allows different applications to handle application-specific smart contracts on individual side chains, preventing transactions from overloading the PoUW-based main chain. Native Oracle Service Native Oracle Service (NOS) provides authenticated data feed by leveraging both cryptographic primitives and the trusted execution environment (TEE). Through a standardized API to port data from existing websites, NOS enables simple real-world business adoption
Odyssey is primarily a decentralized sharing economy and peer-to-peer ecosystem, aiming to compete with and replace the likes of Airbnb and Uber. Odyssey dreams big - aiming to completely replace the concept of private ownership with an economy in which everything is shared and little is owned. It’s a long way from its goals, of course, but making peer-to-peer sharing more efficient with smart contracts is certainly a step in the right direction. The Odyssey website lists 9 advisors, with its primary two being Yi Shi, the CEO of Shanghai’s Avazu Holding, a leading global advertising platform, and Justin Sun, the backbone of the TRON cryptocurrency. The advisory team also includes Goh Jian Kai, founder and CEO of Southeast Asia’s cross-border payment solution system RateX. Odyssey has lofty goals, aiming to create a world where sharing is the norm and ownership or sharing monopoly doesn’t come in the way of people’s lives. A decentralized sharing platform where all service providers and customers are connected definitely sounds attractive. It’s a new currency, so it needs development to reach its goals. Of course, the fact that buying a large number of OCN tokens will not put a major dent in your pocket is a definite point in its favour.