Ankr strives to build a resource efficient blockchain framework that truly enables Distributed Cloud Computing (DCC) and provides user-friendly infrastucture for business applications. There are indeed existing cloud solutions, but Ankr is the first one to leverage both blockchain and trusted hardware. Technology Overview Ankr provides a computation-resource-efficient blockchain and an integrated data feed system leveraging both cryptographic primitives and trusted hardware Proof of Useful Work The Proof of Useful Work (PoUW) consensus enables a self-sustainable blockchain framework. Instead of wasting electricity and computing power on hashes like Bitcoin does, PoUW uses these resources towards useful work tasks provided by enterprises and consumers. The protocol runs on SGX-enabled CPUs with remote attestation to ensure security and confidentiality. The novel PoUW approach unlocks the massive potential of idle computing power around the world by providing enough incentives: in this scheme, every computation contributor gets compensated, and some will get the extra reward for generating the blocks. In the future, this mining scheme can promote Universal Basic Income (UBI). Plasma Sidechains The Multi-chain Plasma implementation allows different applications to handle application-specific smart contracts on individual side chains, preventing transactions from overloading the PoUW-based main chain. Native Oracle Service Native Oracle Service (NOS) provides authenticated data feed by leveraging both cryptographic primitives and the trusted execution environment (TEE). Through a standardized API to port data from existing websites, NOS enables simple real-world business adoption
With the digital advertising becoming a preserve for the affluent multinationals, True Chain (TRUE) seeks to give small and medium size business a say in the industry. With so many advertisers failing to deliver on their promises, blockchain technology is set to change the entire digital advertising landscape. True Chain focusing on the opportunities in the industry and seeks to do away with irrelevant agencies and third parties who do not add any value in the entire advertising chain. To achieve their goals, the platform is utilizing decentralized applications to be utilized in the commercial real world. True Chain (TRUE) does not use middle men who are known to work in cohorts with publisher to manipulate ad clicks. Millions of dollars are lost every year through fake adverts powered by bots that do not add any value to the advertiser. With the BFT technology and smart contracts True Chain will be able to attain the highest PTS since more validators will be accommodated in the ecosystem. Advertising is performance and demand driven and calls for a platform that is transparent and affordable to small and large scale enterprises. With the increased demand for high performance commercial DApps, investors are shifting their focus to True Chain and doing away with the existing advertising system that are using bots to manipulate Ad performance outcomes. With True Chain, Transparency in the industry is critical. True Chain (TRUE) is trying to disrupt a lucrative industry and investing in the coin means better returns once the project is fully functional. You cannot go wrong the advertising industry; the opportunities are there. All these require a system that is transparent and trusted.As a DApp developer, the system gives the opportunity to work with ease through the development process. You do not have to be tech savvy to work on the True Chain ecosystem, the available tools will help you deploy and manage your Dapps. True Chain uses its native token TRUE to keep the ecosystem running. With a lot of restrictions and bans on cryptocurrency digital advertising from the mainstream media, True Chain is the only safe haven for anything crypto ad. If the current performance is anything to write home about, True Chain (TRUE) is the right coin for any DApp developer and investor to give a second thought. Advertising demands keep growing and this is the right time to get involved in True Chain. The TRUE coin price growth is unstoppable and is about to moon.