Utilizing a community of world-class developers, managers, marketers and researchers, the Apollo community, backed by the Apollo Foundation, has set out to accomplish the goal of making Apollo the most technologically advanced, feature-rich currency on the market. The Apollo Foundation understands the demands of a top tier cryptocurrency and they believe they can create a coin that will integrate everything necessary to replace the current currency options. Having started from NXT, a proven cryptocurrency, the Apollo Foundation will continue development with the goal of being first all-in-one cryptocurrency, innovating and incorporating every ability that could be beneficial in a digital currency, all in a single decentralized platform. The first major update, Olympus Protocol, puts mass adoption-proof privacy at Apollo's core. This is because the Apollo Foundation knows the ability for a user to buy, sell, trade and send in absolute secrecy is vital in an industry that could be moments away from intense regulation. The Apollo team is here because they believe the only person or entity that should be in control of your funds is you.
CoinPoker is a worldwide cryptocurrency-based online poker room that’s launching its ICO this November. We’re operating with Ethereum Smart Contracts and once the room will have been launched, we’re going to ensure full transparency via the use of blockchains. The RNG will be visible on blockchains, and the players will be able to see it after the game. That together with the pain-free transactions thanks to cryptocurrency will solve many of the problems that online poker has been facing. • Transactions will be immediate + accessible worldwide; • RnG will be visible for transparency; • Anonymity will be guaranteed; • Fair play at the tables will be ensured. + HUGE Grand Opening Events with awesome prizes (15% of tokens distributed during the ICO will be returned during these tournaments). What makes us different from other ICOs? Well, for one, we’ve got our MVP (minimum viable product, in our case – an app) ready to go, and we’ll be launching our MVP with play money before our actual ICO start!