Utilizing a community of world-class developers, managers, marketers and researchers, the Apollo community, backed by the Apollo Foundation, has set out to accomplish the goal of making Apollo the most technologically advanced, feature-rich currency on the market. The Apollo Foundation understands the demands of a top tier cryptocurrency and they believe they can create a coin that will integrate everything necessary to replace the current currency options. Having started from NXT, a proven cryptocurrency, the Apollo Foundation will continue development with the goal of being first all-in-one cryptocurrency, innovating and incorporating every ability that could be beneficial in a digital currency, all in a single decentralized platform. The first major update, Olympus Protocol, puts mass adoption-proof privacy at Apollo's core. This is because the Apollo Foundation knows the ability for a user to buy, sell, trade and send in absolute secrecy is vital in an industry that could be moments away from intense regulation. The Apollo team is here because they believe the only person or entity that should be in control of your funds is you.
Primas is a platform for high-quality content centred in Distributed Trusted Content Protocol or DTCP. It utilized blockchain technology in ascertaining content credibility and also utilized economic incentives to speed up the creation and circulation of the content of high quality. It also gives the readers the capacity to view the customized content of high-quality via social recommendations. Traditional internet application can also make use of APIs in accessing Primas, thereby gaining instant access to the power offered by Primas. The token spreading on Primas platform is known as PST. It is utilized for rewarding the creators of valuable content on the Primas DApp as well as the miners who aid in the upkeep of the Hawkeye crawlers and Primas Node. The utilization of POS secondary networking ensures high scalability, hastened accessing speeds and the capacity to support massive scale applications simultaneously. Users are not required to hold on for block confirmations to attain a user experience which is consistent. This also greatly minimizes the cost of the transaction of utilizing blockchain and sorts issues of bottlenecking. A totally decentralized structure which employs an economic incentivization system and technique for node discovery lets anyone partake or quit by utilizing the Primas node at any moment without having an impact on end users. Presently, the secondary network linked to Ethereum is compatible with the use of a massive amount of users. In the event of serious overcrowding on the Ethereum network, users will still have the capacity to utilize Primas without stalling. They also are not required to make payment for gas fees.