B2BX is the first official provider of cryptocurrency liquidity, we provide cryptocurrency liquidity for brokers, stock exchanges, hedge funds and other institutional clients. B2BX is an aggregator of cryptocurrency liquidity for marginal trading, trading with physical delivery and distribution of liquidity to brokerage companies. We are planning to make the first official B2B cryptocurrency exchange-aggregator or marketplace, in which we will connect at least 5% of the market of Forex/DMA and Stock brokers, and give them the opportunity to provide their clients with the trading in cryptocurrencies.
TrustVerse is a wealth management platform with an integrated digital estate planning protocol. The protocol will be able to handle crypto-assets as well as your entire online digital identity and ownership and work via a smart contract to ensure it is handed down to the designated party correctly. Our Wealth management platform is powered by AI deep-neural and multi-data financial portfolio optimization engine.