BitBay is a free, decentralized marketplace for buying and selling goods and services on the blockchain. You can connect directly with peers and transact without the need for a middleman like Amazon, eBay, or Craigslist. Transactions are secure and anonymous. They’re also guaranteed by escrow. The project aims to be the new standard for eCommerce, allowing individuals to trade one-to-one at scale. As a result, BitBay claims it will revolutionize global trade. It’s seemingly a great solution for other niche applications as well, where groups of people aren’t served by existing marketplaces. In the beginning, BitBay got off to a rocky start. In 2014, the original founders raised capital in bad faith and quickly abandoned the project after fundraising, leaving the lead developer holding the bag. It seemed like BitBay was finished, but the developer continued working on the project out of a sense of duty to the original investors, without access to the capital raised in the fundraising round. The BAY token is the transactional token in the marketplace. You use it to buy and sell, and it can also participate in freezes, escrow, bets, swaps, etc. The token itself operates like Bitcoin and is secured by the network. Although you can use BAY for transactions, you don’t have to. You do, however, have to use BAY if you’d like to take part in token staking. BAY’s price cratered after the original founders left and stayed low until March 2017 when it took off. It has been through several cycles of bull and bear runs, with a max price over 30 cents in January 2018 before retreating to its current value. BitBay supports all kinds of privacy and security measures. It’s easy to create a multisignature wallet for added security. There are integrations for Tor and other proxies that help anonymize your connection to the marketplace. An on-screen keyboard allows for password or key entry without using your keyboard and being susceptible to keylogging. Additionally, you can create images with your private key embedded, so that finding a stored key is more difficult for a hacker. The marketplace also has functionality for time locking contracts and swapping currencies. This enables all kinds of cross-chain transactions and financial implements. The time lock and other smart contract elements make it possible to create bets, escrow, futures and options trades, or any number of other financial transactions. The idea and implementation by BitBay, of a decentralized marketplace and trading platform is brilliant and shows further promise of expansion.The rocky beginning of the cryptocurrency and its subsequent comeback as a promising platform indicate that the developers are in it for the long haul and don’t plan on abandoning the platform after all these years.
Project PAI is an open-source blockchain project developing the world's first blockchain-based platform for intelligent 3D AI avatars. Personal AI (PAI) looks, talks and behaves like the individual user and, when secured and authenticated on the blockchain, allows for unprecedented customization, utility and personal data control. With communities worldwide and adopters including leading U.S. AI company ObEN Inc., Project PAI is rapidly advancing its vision of allowing everyone in the world to participate in the new global humanistic AI economy. Project PAI's independent blockchain platform is intended to allow users to create, own and manage their digital identity and the associated data, letting users participate in a new global humanistic AI economy where they are the owners of their own digital identity and data. The listing on HBUS marks another step in Project PAI's growth throughout the U.S. and global market. Project PAI's vision is to create a platform where everyone can create their own Personal AI, intelligent digital avatars that look, sound and behave like them. With PAI, users can have more personalized digital experiences, including using their PAI for social media content or interacting with the PAI of their doctors, teachers or even their favorite celebrities across a number of applications in retail, entertainment, travel and more. The core technology for the avatars is powered by Project PAI early-adopter ObEN, a leading artificial intelligence company based in Los Angeles, California. PAIs are secured and authenticated on the Project PAI blockchain. The intention is to always allow the user to be the owner of their own data and if they choose to contribute that data to improve applications or AI algorithms on the PAI blockchain, they can be compensated for their efforts in PAI Coin. In addition, as an open-source public blockchain, companies and developers can create their own apps and tokens on the PAI blockchain to build more interactions for the Project PAI community. Already this year, Project PAI has launched both its mainnet and github. A third-party-developed digital wallet for PAI Coin, called PAI Up, is also available globally on both iOS and Android. The project has recently expanded into the Southeast Asia, U.K. and European markets, following solid presence in China, Japan, Korea and the U.S.