Bitforex Token (BF) is token issued by BitForex Exchange, it is the proof of platform ownership. BF are issued mainly through trade mining, community and ecosystem mutual construction, and being released gradually. BitForex will use 80% of the trading fees as BF buy-back. In the future, BF holders will have the right to participate in platform building major decisions and community management.
'SingularDTV is laying the foundation for a decentralized entertainment industry. On September 2019, SingularDTV announced the first Censorship Resistant Media DAO: The SNGLS DAO. The SNGLS DAO will provide the non-profit governance layer for the SNGLS Media Distribution Protocol. Established by SingularDTV as an independent and objective organization to guide the development of the protocol, the prime directive of the SNGLS DAO is to uphold the tenets of decentralization and build a truly decentralized, community-owned, self-adaptive media distribution protocol.'