Users can employ unused hard disk capacity to mine Bitcoins without the need for expensive mining rigs and other specialized hardware. Traditional mining hardware is energy intensive, noisy, produces a lot of heat, and is becoming increasingly specialized, moving beyond the means of ordinary people. With BHD, mining is simple and accessible. POW-based mining is all about raw computing power and energy output, whereas BHD's POC-based mining is far more energy efficient and returns to Satoshi Nakamoto’s original ideal that mining would be decentralized and performed by ordinary people. POC (Proof of Capacity) scans are only performed once every few minutes. For the rest of the time the hard disk is on stand-by with negligible power usage, greatly reducing energy costs. Based on capacity proof, it will support super-large blocks in the future and will add functions such as zero-knowledge proof. Solid-state drives are expensive, POC has no requirement for fast data processing, only capacity, so POC naturally eliminates ASIC chips. Currently, the amount of energy expended globally in POW mining is greater than the total energy output of 159 countries. The development of digital currencies shouldn’t have to be built on the wasting of resources. With BHD, POW calculations can be completed with a minimum of computing and energy resources.
Bismuth, a digital distributed self-regulating database system whose primary application is currency, and its first application is mining. It comes with a set of DAPPs out-of-the-box. Bismuth is not based on the code of BTC or any of its derivates, it is only inspired by some ideas laid down by Satoshi Nakamoto (BitCoin), Sunny King (Peercoin), NXT and ETH developers. Bismuth does not draw any code from other repositories, instead, it reformulates the cryptocurrency code in its own terms to be easily readable, compatible across all platforms, integrated into business solutions with utmost ease and most importantly open for development to a wide public through its simplicity while minimizing the security risk for custom code implementations. Bismuth is a decentralized transaction platform focused on modularity and open source approach. It comes with default decentralized applications and tools out of the box, not only to be used by everyone but also to be hosted by anyone. These applications are supplied as interpretation engines, which prevents blockchain bloat. Inspired by Satoshi’s whitepaper, Bismuth also offers optional hyperblocks as a pruning mechanism, a system which greatly reduces disk space usage and increases execution speed.