Bibox is an intelligent transaction platform for blockchain asset, jointly established by a group of senior experts who are enthusiastic about blockchain and have a thorough knowledge in the areas of blockchain, finance and AI, etc. The platform was created to spread the word about digital asset and enable digital assets to facilitate our lives. We also hope that with our continuous efforts and accumulation of knowledge, we will work with our customers to build Bibox into a “world leading and transparent intelligent transaction platform for digital assets” by way of advanced AI technology and perfect user experience. We also want to make Bibox the best place for staff career development. Bibox is the next-generation digital asset exchange that embodies artificial intelligence technology for the first time in digital asset trading, thereby realizing a safer transaction security environment. It has improved the reliability and operability of the exchange itself with its advanced technology, which is known as the world's first personal intelligence digital asset trading platform. The Bibox Token used in the Bibox and the Huobi Token in Huobi are cross-listed on mutual trading platforms.
Using blockchain technology in an unprecedented way, Civic is more than just a coin or a cryptocurrency to trade. It’s an identity verification platform which is meant to make life easier, not only for the user but also for the entity who wishes to verify the identity. Rather than going through a long-winded document verification process, the Civic token enables the verification of identity directly in places where it is accepted. The Civic coin or Civic token (CVC) is the currency associated with Civic, which thrives on the Ethereum blockchain, primarily exchanged during the identity verification process. As a platform, the Civic cryptocurrency shows a lot of promise. While it is only available in the US presently (which may be disappointing news about its current potential), it’ll soon expand and come over to other countries - which should give it a nice bump in value. The blockchain is where the future lies, and the Civic coin uses it in a unique way to make life easier and our identity more secure.