The world's first self-destructing currency. BOMB is a social experiment and financial case study to measure the feasibility of a deflationary currency. The rules are simple. 1) There were originally 1,000,000 Bomb in existence. 2) Each time a Bomb is transferred, 1% of the transaction is destroyed. 3) There will never be newly minted Bomb. The intention is not to be used as a transactional currency, but rather a consistent and decentralized store of value. Through a system of immutable smart contracts and continuous hyperdeflation, BOMB is the world’s first self-destructing currency.
Dimension is committed to building a next-generation enterprise-grade blockchain network service, by using C.H.A.O.S. (hybrid consensus, dynamic node, and cross-consensus engine) and DeCommerce service framework (decentralized storage system, decentralized computing framework, and decentralized data trading platform). With the adaptive functionality of the multi-sidechain model, Dimension-X, Dimension satisfies different needs from different business scenarios. It also features a cutting edge community system, which facilitates a more efficient and more friendly blockchain environment and ecosystem.