Bitcoin BTC to Gemini Dollar GUSD Exchange

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Crypto Pair Details: BTC to GUSD

Bitcoin BTC

Bitcoin is the first successful internet money based on peer-to-peer technology; whereby no central bank or authority is involved in the transaction and production of the Bitcoin currency. It was created by an anonymous individual/group under the name, Satoshi Nakamoto. The source code is available publicly as an open source project, anybody can look at it and be part of the developmental process. Bitcoin is changing the way we see money as we speak. The idea was to produce a means of exchange, independent of any central authority, that could be transferred electronically in a secure, verifiable and immutable way. It is a decentralized peer-to-peer internet currency making mobile payment easy, very low transaction fees, protects your identity, and it works anywhere all the time with no central authority and banks. Bitcoin is design to have only 21 million BTC ever created, thus making it a deflationary currency. Bitcoin uses the SHA-256 hashing algorithm with an average transaction confirmation time of 10 minutes. Miners today are mining Bitcoin using ASIC chip dedicated to only mining Bitcoin, and the hash rate has shot up to peta hashes. Being the first successful online cryptography currency, Bitcoin has inspired other alternative currencies such as Litecoin, Peercoin, Primecoin, and so on. The cryptocurrency then took off with the innovation of the turing-complete smart contract by Ethereum which led to the development of other amazing projects such as EOS, Tron, and even crypto-collectibles such as CryptoKitties.

Gemini Dollar GUSD

The Gemini dollar — the world’s first regulated stablecoin — combines the creditworthiness and price stability of the U.S. dollar with blockchain technology and the oversight of U.S. regulators. Get Gemini dollars 1-to-1 for U.S. dollars on Gemini. Gemini dollars can be used on the Ethereum network. ISSUER The Gemini dollar is issued by Gemini Trust Company, LLC, a New York trust company. BANK U.S. dollars that correspond to the Gemini dollars issued and in circulation are held at a U.S. bank and eligible for FDIC “pass-through” deposit insurance, subject to applicable limitations. EXAMINATION The U.S. dollar deposit balance is examined monthly by an independent registered public accounting firm to verify the 1:1 peg. All Independent Accountants’ Reports are published and available here. SECURITY AUDIT The Gemini dollar is a cryptographic token built on the Ethereum Network according to the ERC20 standard for tokens. The code of the Gemini dollar smart contracts has been audited by Trail of Bits, Inc., an information security research & development firm, whose report is publicly available here. Gemini was founded four years ago with a mission: build a bridge to the future of money. Gemini dollar aims to combine creditworthiness and price stability of the U.S. dollar with blockchain and the oversight of U.S. regulators, the New York State Department of Financial Service. Gemini dollar is a stable value coin that is: 1. issued by Gemini, a New York trust company 2. strictly pegged 1:1 to the U.S. dollar 3. built on Ethereum network according to ERC20 token standards Starting 10th September 2018, you will be able to convert U.S. dollars in your Gemini account into Gemini dollars and withdraw them to an Ethereum address. You will also be able to automatically convert GUSD back as USD into your Gemini account. GUSD is expected to be listed on Bibox soon.


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