CanYa is a peer to peer market of skilled services - where users are instantly connected to service providers. Unlike most ICO's we already have a working product, high user growth and an experienced team. We launched our initial product to Australia earlier this year and now we're conducting an ICO to fund expansion into the international market as well as launching CAN token. CanYa has again raised the bar for ICOs following a major acquisition of Bountysource and its passionate 46,000 open-source developer community.
The AgaveCoin token (AGVC) is a 100% security token to participate and support the multimillionaire business of Agave Industry. Agave is a succulent genus within the monocot family Agavaceae. The plants have a large rosette of thick fleshy leaves, each ending generally in a sharp point, and are native to arid and semi-arid regions from the southern USA to northern South America. The most important commercial species is Agave tequilana grown for production of tequila. Other Agave species has great potential to be developed as a bioenergy crop, bioplastic, cosmetics and medical products. AgaveCoin SAPI, it´s a Mexican industrial company that aims to become a worldwide reference producer of Agave and Agave based Products. More than being just a Agave provider, AgaveCoin will revolutionize the Agave market by introducing his own Agave crypto currency.