CanYa is a peer to peer market of skilled services - where users are instantly connected to service providers. Unlike most ICO's we already have a working product, high user growth and an experienced team. We launched our initial product to Australia earlier this year and now we're conducting an ICO to fund expansion into the international market as well as launching CAN token. CanYa has again raised the bar for ICOs following a major acquisition of Bountysource and its passionate 46,000 open-source developer community.
WeTrust is a collaborative saving and insurance platform. It is autonomous, frictionless, and decentralized. WeTrust utilizes the Ethereum blockchain to create a full-stack financial system that leverages existing social capital and trust networks, eliminating the need of a “trusted third party”, which allows for lower fees, improved incentive structures, decentralized risks, and a greater amount of capital to reside among the participants. WeTrust’s first product is a Rotating and Saving Credit Association platform, inspired by the ~1 billion people around the world who are using mostly informal organizations to lend/ borrow, and support each other financially within their communities. ROSCAs will bootstrap the community, and WeTrust plans to build future products that include sovereign credit identities, trusted lending, mutual insurance, and more.