What makes the Coin Loan Bank unique? Offering multiple services on multiple levels - that is why we are unique. For our investors we provide the following options to choose from: 1) Convertible Bond The Convertible Bond guarantees two options for investors after a contract term of at least 12 months. Risk-free and totally at your discretion to choose how to proceed. 2) Cancel your contract anytime 3) Loan services 100% of the capital of CB contract 4) CLB Shop ( CLBshop.com, CLBshop.co.kr) 5) Company payback on all paid fees, in CLB Coin
OKCash was initially launched in November 2014 with the name Positive Innovation for Multi Payment Cash solutions. It was later rebranded to OKCash. OKCash aims to be the social cryptocurrency. OKCash is also developing positive relationship with other cryptocurrencies by helping release a custom wallet for Gaia based on the previous OKCash design. OKCash is now in its PoS period.