Content Neutrality Network (CNN) Platform introduces several mechanisms/protocols related to content creation, distribution, circulation and revenue share. CNN Platform combines personalized recommendation with the community votes to distribute the most relevant content to each user. CCM (Content Circulation Mechanism) is designed to stimulate seamless circulation of content among different communities. CNN is an integral and indispensable part of the CNN Platform, because in the absence of CNN, there would be no common unit of exchange to pay for these costs or provide the incentive for certain desirable behavior, thus rendering the ecosystem on the CNN Platform unsustainable.
Blockchain based StreamIT brings an opportunity to millions of streamers worldwide to make streaming or vlogging a full time career and grow from it. Every streamer or vlogger yearns for a million subs but other than regular content or interesting descriptions, till now they had nothing more that they could offer to the subscribers. So the subscriber base is totally dependent on your content going viral or at least popular. StreamIt Video bot is here to help many streamers and vloggers like you to retain your viewers and build your channel.