Contentos is a decentralized global content ecosystem invested by Binance Labs (the blockchain incubator of world’s largest exchange,, DHVC and various class-leading funds. Contentos TestNet was launched and its real-time network status can be viewed on Contentos Block Explorer ( It aims to create a decentralized content ecosystem, where assets can be freely produced, authenticated, and distributed. The team consists of experts from the content industry, who have worked on top-tier consumer applications and blockchain projects. Contentos is not only a blueprint for what digital content ecosystem might look like in the future but we have multiple working use cases: Contentos is working with strategic partners, LiveMe and Cheetah Mobile, that have amassed over 60+ million monthly active users. With real-time user feedback, Contentos will become a premier blockchain project as it places the interest of users first.
Sentivate is a revolutionary advancement, not evolutionary, in Internet architecture. Sentivate has a hybrid topology consisting of interconnected centralized & decentralized systems. The network is designed to go beyond the capabilities that any solely centralized or decentralized network could offer. Sentivate has the ability to operate in a decentralized or centralized topology, if the need ever arose, giving it a unique dynamic topology. With Sentivate's data transport protocol, UDSP, all the issues associated with TCP will be a relic of the past. Sentivate is designed to be a realistic and viable replacement for the increasingly slugish Web we have today.