Cosmochain is a complementary Company-to-Consumer platform that connects cosmetics product users and content creators to cosmetics product suppliers, including cosmetics companies, OEM/ODM manufacturers, R&D centers, and distributors. Through this platform, the Cosmochain Team aims to solve the aforementioned unmet needs of both companies and customers. All data collected from platform participants are kept confidential in this customer-centered ecosystem. Those who contribute their scarce time and attention toward producing and curating contents for others are compensated with tokens and receive pro-rata ownership of the contents they create. On the other hand, cosmetics product suppliers are able to actualize a wide variety of “on-demand” services on the platform by utilizing API that Cosmochain provides. Two different tokens and one internal virtual index make up the Cosmochain ecosystem: 1) The first token is an externally traded token called Cosmo Coin, 2) The second token as well as an index of contribution to the platform is Cosmo Power, which can be used to make payment within the platform and given out as rewards for activities, and 3) The one virtual index is called Cosmo Level. Cosmo Level, a reputation index, is designed to prevent abuse of power within the platform and can only be accumulated by actual activities and contribution. Having been assigned distinct roles within the Cosmochain platform, these three entities construct a healthy ecosystem. ● The success of the Cosmochain platform lies in the active participation of users – where customers create reliable data after trying out various cosmetics products and sharing the experience with one another on the platform. As a result, Cosmochain has designed its own transparent and fair reward system based on Steemit’s incentive model. ● The Cosmochain platform connects this user-created data to interested company participants and distributes the payment made by the company to customers as reward for use of the information. Through this reward system, Cosmochain aims to address two structural issues of social media-based platforms: 1) risk of inflation following the necessity of a long-term and great quantity of token issuance to grow the community, and 2) risk of decreasing attractiveness of contribution rewards after the inflation rate has been stabilized. ● In addition, the Cosmochain platform aims to realize an upgraded tokenization model that brings the power back to its users by redistributing the following: (i) the right to display ads in a user’s viewing space, (ii) the right to access a personally curated Marketplace, and (iii) the right to share personal data to partake in a study or survey. Simply speaking, the Cosmochain platform will go beyond simply allowing users to share onedimensional personal information. As such, Cosmochain serves the purpose of revolutionizing the cosmetics industry’s ecosystem by redistributing ownership and management authority of personal cosmetics data and contents to those in need, and through operations of transparent rewarding system for the redistribution of data.
Quasar Coin 'Fair travel' is also referred to as 'good travel' as a concept derived from fair trade, in which producers and consumers form a comparable relationship. It has been promoted in European and other English-speaking countries since the 2000s to reflect the environmental pollution, destruction of civilization and waste caused by the trips, and to give a little help to the residents of difficult countries. We want to build a platform in which travelers, hotels, restaurants and stores around the world can mutually satisfy each other through fair trade. Technically, we have built up an advanced reputation system based on a block chain, a simple payment system in the form of a credit card, various APIs, an instant transaction system to minimize the variability of cryptocurrency, In business, it provides discounts through discounted quasar cards and eliminates anxiety factors by using proven companies, and provides companies with promotional effects and sales increase within the Quasar platform. Quasar Coin has adopted the bit coin platform, which has been proven to be safe as the first cryptocurrency, and applied Light Coin to reduce block time for quick settlement in daily transactions. In addition, for smooth block mining, it solves the difficulty-bomb problem which intentionally raises difficulty to make it difficult to mine. Since the development of the quasar coin has already been completed, the project team has focused on the development of the related infrastructure system in order to activate the transaction of the cryptocurrency. Quasar Card Quasar cards are the easiest payment method for users who are familiar with using credit cards when paying by quasar coin, and can be paid by various methods such as QR code, IC chip and NFC according to the status of the receiving terminal of the company. By combining the unique hash codes given by the system when issuing the card based on the public key, illegal settlement is prevented so that it can only be used with the public key Smart Wallet In general, mobile wallet offers three basic functions, sending coins, receiving coins and transaction records. Quasar's Smart Wallet can provide search for businesses, view reputation, write reviews, reserve / pay when needed as an advanced for of smart wallet. Business In general, mobile wallet offers three basic functions, sending coins, receiving coins and transaction records. Quasar's Smart Wallet can provide search for businesses, view reputation, write reviews, reserve / pay when needed as an advanced for of smart wallet.