CREDITS platform offers a new and unique technical implementation of blockchain technology with autonomous smart contracts, data protocol and its own internal cryptocurrency. We strive to achieve unique technical parameters of the network – more than 1,000,000 transactions per second. The average processing time of each transaction starts from 0.01 second with a very low cost of each transaction (as low as 0.0001%). CREDITS team has developed the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and have confirmed the technical feasibility of implementation by industry experts.
ZumCoin- Simplified Private Digital Currency- is a robust blockchain technology designed to provide decentralized cross-border payments; faster, cheaper, and secure. It is an open-source project; being developed by a diverse team of technically competent individuals who are well-versed in distributed ledger technologies, cryptography, and economics. The project is aimed to develop a multi-layer robust blockchain ecosystem that is founded on three basic tenets: PRIVACY — FREEDOM — EQUALITY