CasinoCoin is a digital currency, designed specifically for the regulated online gaming industry. Utilising the latest in blockchain technology, CasinoCoin can facilitate up 1,000 peer-to-peer transfers per second, with near-instant confirmation. Built with users, gaming operators and regulators in mind, the CasinoCoin Bankroll Manager application features built in KYC capabilities, responsible gaming options, and provides an unparalleled user experience never seen before in the online gambling space. Users will benefit from a simplified registration process that, once completed, provides a seamless, secure and trustless online gaming experience. All at a tiny fraction of the current cost and time. Operators who integrate CasinoCoin into their gaming platform will gain access to a simplified user onboarding process, a new incremental revenue stream, and reduced fees associated with cross-border transactions. The nature of blockchain technology means that regulators will benefit from the most secure and transparent funding system available today. A near-perfect anti-money laundering (AML) environment has been developed, utilising the latest KYC technology coupled with a new, proprietary AML tracking tool; the most advanced and thorough in the industry.
Rocket Pool is a next generation decentralised staking network and pool for Ethereum 2.0 Rocket Pool is a self-regulating network of node operators; it automatically adjusts its capacity to match demand. The Rocket Pool protocol token is used to maintain an optimal capacity by: Increasing capacity when needed, by incentivising node operators to join. Decreasing capacity when not needed, by disincentivising node operators from joining. In addition to depositing ETH, a node operator is required to deposit a set amount of RPL per ether they are depositing. This RPL:ether ratio is dynamic and is dependent on the network utilisation. E.g: If the network has plenty of capacity, then node operators need more RPL to make deposits. It gets progressively more expensive in terms of RPL to make node deposits when the network does not have enough ETH from regular stakers to be matched up with node operators. This helps prevent several attack vectors outlined in the whitepaper and keeps assignment of ether ‘chunks’ to nodes quick. If the network is reaching capacity, then node operators need less RPL to join as the network needs more node deposits to be matched up with regular users deposits. If the network is maxed out and needs node operators to join quickly, it even drops to 0 for the first one to make a deposit.