CUT coin uses the latest advances in cryptography to allow anonymous transactions. Wallet balances, transaction amount, sender and receiver are private by default on our blockchain. Our innovative Proof of Stake consensus is the first in history to keep the total amount of coins even in staking wallets completely concealed.
Endor.coin is reinventing predictive analytics by democratizing access to Artificial Intelligence data analysis, making it accessible, trustless, censorship-resistance and useful for all. This is achieved through the Endor.coin Protocol, offering the world’s first automated, self-served, predictive platform that allows business users and unprofessional crypto-token holders alike to ask complex predictive questions and obtain high-quality results in minutes. This aims to democratize the field of Data Science, that today is reserved mostly for Fortune500 companies. Endor.coin is based on the novel science of Social Physics developed at MIT by the project’s team members Prof. Alex Pentland and Dr. Yaniv Altshuler