CUT coin uses the latest advances in cryptography to allow anonymous transactions. Wallet balances, transaction amount, sender and receiver are private by default on our blockchain. Our innovative Proof of Stake consensus is the first in history to keep the total amount of coins even in staking wallets completely concealed.
MEET.ONE is a BP (Block Producer) candidate for EOS.IO, and elected as Genesis Block Producer on June 15, 2018. MEET.ONE is dedicating to the establishment of EOS ecosystem, and will launch a side-chain based on EOS native blockchain, in order to providing safe, steady and cost-effective development environment for EOS developers. MEET.ONE is also an incubator that help outstanding EOS Dapps in terms of its promotion, community outreach, product development and funding. MEET.ONE will become a flow portal to EOS, and offer various functions for the EOS ecosystem.