is the world's first blockchain-based quantitative data providing and exchanging platform for storage, verification, utilization, analysis, sharing and trading of real world data. Interactions within the Scry community are made through’s built-in smart contracts to access, share and utilize a wide spectrum of data, as fed and verified by the mass users on a distributed basis. also enables users to customize industry/event-specific smart contracts to be applied to various scenarios and niches, such as polls or prediction markets in sports, entertainment, agriculture, financial market and so forth.
Flowchain is an IoT project that leverages distributed ledger technology (DLT) for peer-to-peer IoT networks and real-time data transaction. Flowchain's PPKI technology provides random and unique public keys in real-time for tokenized hardware that enables the fast and safe transfer of transacted digital assets without the need for any intermediaries. As Flowchain's digital asset, FLC ensures the security and validity of data through tokenized IoT hardware.