DDK is a community platform that aims to create economic opportunities through the development of blockchain solutions. Since 2015, the DDK community claims to have contributed to a number of blockchain platforms.The DDK platform uses the Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) mechanism within its core. According to DDK, one of the advantages of a DPoS blockchain is that it depends on community members to participate in the maintenance and security of the platform so that each member’s participation provides benefit for all.
Chi (Q-Chi) can be broken down to mean quantum essence of life, is attempting to harness the disruptive blockchain technology to power the marketing, health and gaming industry. Providing a sustainable chain/supply while bringing future financial opportunities and increase in value to its participants. QChi is collaborating with computer technology, health, tourism and marketing based companies to bring crypto/blockchain technology to the these industries. The cooperation is aimed at providing Qchi a solid and stable backing to achieve a promising future.