Divi is a project with the goal of making popular cryptocurrencies easy to use for the public mass. Divi’s 'Smart Wallet' and blockchain make transactions speedier, affordable, easier, safe to use, and less prone to user errors. Under the hood Divi is powered by a masternode network, and they developed 'MOCCI' which is a one-click installer allowing anyone with little technical knowledge to easily participate in the network as a masternode. Thereby securing the network further and in return masternode participants earn crypto as incentive. The most active exchange trading Divi is Bitrue. More info about this project can be found at https://www.diviproject.org/
Bankera is an operational fork of SpectroCoin. As SpectroCoin to be competitive has developed bank-like infrastructure, but was not intended to become a proper bank, it is releasing Bankera to leverage its regulatory and IT infrastructure to develop a bank for the blockchain era. Bankera as a proper bank will offer payments, investments, and loan and deposit solutions. Later on, it is planing to develop new types of money, such as inflation linked baskets.