EURBASE is a hybrid EUR based stable coin with anti inflationary features. Partially collateralized by EUR deposits and partially in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. You can change EBASE to EUR and vice versa at any time on ETERBASE exchange with its integrated IBAN accounts. EURBASE falls under the definition of a payment token under the ESMA definition. EURBASE is fully compliant with AMLD5 and GDPR within the code structure.
NeuroChain focuses on creating intelligent business applications. The architecture, the communication protocol and the machine learning algorithms insure connectivity with other blockchains. Other orphan Bots provide a fertile ecosystem for augmented business. The NeuroChain technology is a new augmented blockchain based on intelligent decision making mechanisms. It is composed of Bots and a set of rules represented by flexible and scalable protocols (Proof of Involvement and Integrity & Proof of Workflow). It runs on a network or media with an adaptive communication layer. NeuroChain is an evolution of the Blockchain that integrates machine learning and AI to drastically improve the performance and capabilities of distributed systems. It’s a technological platform specifically designed to carry collective AI applications.