ERC20 is payment method for Belance platform, future project and application and more. Real token utility. Belance is a large unique blockchain platform which combines many opportunities and connects everyone in the blockchain world. Real token utility. The ERC20 Token is a growing currency which will be adopted as a payment gateway. Whether you’re building your new project or searching for something unique, Belance is the first platform where there are unlimited opportunities to connect and discuss with others regarding the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry. Also connect with professionals to help your own project by hiring a specialist to complete a specific task within your project. Promote and advertise your own skills and specialities to clients. Ask questions on any topic related to the blockchain or become a blockchain blogger. Belance is a one stop place for everything for everyone who is interested in or connected to the blockchain world.
The Morpheus.Network is a full-service, global, automated, supply chain platform for the global trading industry utilizing blockchain technology. This is achieved with Smart Contracts driving the supply chain with predetermined, automated work contracts, shipping & customs documents as well as automated international payments to over 1600 banks globally through integration with the SWIFT Payments Hub. The layering of other blockchain or non-blockchain technologies to be included as necessary objectives in a given Smart Contract further automate any complex supply chain (eg. RFID scans, data transfers). The MRPH token is a “value” based utility within the Morpheus.Network, and is used for the transaction fees to power or 'fuel' the automation platform. We are currently establishing strategic partners during the development of the platform. These include major logistics and customs brokers, import/export corporations involved in global trade, as well as actual end-users of the platform.