ERC20 is payment method for Belance platform, future project and application and more. Real token utility. Belance is a large unique blockchain platform which combines many opportunities and connects everyone in the blockchain world. Real token utility. The ERC20 Token is a growing currency which will be adopted as a payment gateway. Whether you’re building your new project or searching for something unique, Belance is the first platform where there are unlimited opportunities to connect and discuss with others regarding the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry. Also connect with professionals to help your own project by hiring a specialist to complete a specific task within your project. Promote and advertise your own skills and specialities to clients. Ask questions on any topic related to the blockchain or become a blockchain blogger. Belance is a one stop place for everything for everyone who is interested in or connected to the blockchain world.
The retail industry loses approximately $500bln USD per annum*. OSA DC reduces this waste by uniting producer, retailer, and consumer with its blockchain-empowered solutions, all while fixing three major issues that hinder the retail industry today: inventory tracking on the blockchain will solve the problem of overstocking or understocking which costs retailers $400bln USD annually* the blockchain’s immutable ledger will provide more reliable product data and prevent business from abusing consumer trust OSA DC will cut back on product waste that results in a loss of $100 billion USD annually