EXMR is the official token of GetCryptoPayments® gateway, and its main function of this payment gateway will be to integrate a wide universe of currencies and tokens through a competition, with the acquisition of Ethereum Monero for that purpose. The online merchants and the local store can receive payments on most cryptocurrencies, safely and quickly with a low rate. This payment gateway will allow retailers worldwide to accept payments in Ethereum Monero, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and altcoins. There will be no fees for payments made in EXMR.
It is a blockchain-based ecosystem that connects all services, like the car dealer shops, mechanic shops and car rental companies, that touch your car to collect its lifetime data. Participants from automobile-related companies, services or trade industry will be connected and they will insert core data related to driving, traffic accidents, repairs and other car-related transactions into the blockchain. Participants who provide data related to automobile will receive MVL Point (MVP), a reward system used to encourage contribution to the ecosystem.