Getting an unsecured loan can be easy, fast, and affordable with FintruX’s ecosystem of rated agencies, decentralized technology and revolutionary credit enhancements. Cost reduction is one of the most important motivations in securitization. It is often done via credit enhancement. We can apply the same principles to reduce the interest rate required by unsecured loans, making it attractive to both borrowers and lenders. Our goal at FintruX Network is to disrupt the way unsecured loans are being originated and administered.
Actinium is more than a crypto currency. Actinium is a decentralized currency built on blockchain technology that aims to help bring crypto into every customer’s pocket, every store, and be extraordinarily safe and easy to use. This can be achieved because Actinium is a Lightning Network supported coin that will allow instant transactions with near-zero fees, atomic swaps, and many of the numerous other 2nd Layer solutions. Actinium is completely decentralized without premine and is not an ICO. It has proper mining support, mobile wallets, and hardware wallet integration. Actinium has all the needed features already activated to achieve Lightning Network compatibility. Actinium will not remain a blockchain-only cryptocurrency. The inevitable progress will deliver competing solutions to many problems on different layers.