Getting an unsecured loan can be easy, fast, and affordable with FintruX’s ecosystem of rated agencies, decentralized technology and revolutionary credit enhancements. Cost reduction is one of the most important motivations in securitization. It is often done via credit enhancement. We can apply the same principles to reduce the interest rate required by unsecured loans, making it attractive to both borrowers and lenders. Our goal at FintruX Network is to disrupt the way unsecured loans are being originated and administered.
Clams were initially distributed to 3,208,032 BTC, LTC and DOGE addresses based on the 12 May 2014 snapshot of these blockchains. Each of these address received 4.60545574 CLAMs. 63,381 addresses have been dug comprising 291,898.39 CLAMs. If all the distributed CLAMs were dug up, the total money supply would be 15,009,015.13. There is no Proof-of-Work stage for Clams and the network is now secured by Proof-of-Stake.