The first app for spending cryptocurrency in stores. Instantly. Start with a Flexa balance in the coin of your choice. We provide support for Bitcoin, Ether, Bitcoin Cash, and Litecoin, with many more currencies coming soon. Take Flexa with you to buy food, electronics, clothes and more. We're integrated with payment terminals in over 35,000 locations worldwide—and counting. When you're ready to pay, just tap to reveal a flexcode. Don't worry about typing in a wallet address or amount; we instantly convert your payment at the market rate.
At the heart of Ubex’s advertising purchasing algorithms, lie neural networks that process information about each visitor to the member networks’ websites. The neural networks evaluate the interests of users, calculate the likelihood of targeted actions for all advertiser offers, and choose the most suitable advertisement. Thanks to this, member network website visitors see only those ads that are maximally confined to their interests, and which would convince them to fulfill the target action with maximum probability. Thus, Ubex maximizes the targeting of advertising and the economic efficiency for advertisers.