Gnosis is a prediction market platform built as a decentralized application (dapp) on the Ethereum network. The platform includes a multisig wallet as well as a Dutch Exchange, but we’re just going to focus on their flagship product, the prediction market, for this guide. More than just building a prediction market, though, Gnosis is creating an entire infrastructure layer that you can use to build your own prediction market app. A prediction market utilizes user predictions to aggregate information about future events. Users in the market trade tokens that represent the outcome of a certain event. Because some outcomes are more likely to occur than others, these tokens end up having different values in the open market.Olympia is Gnosis’s test version of their prediction market app. They host free tournaments in this product, so you get a chance to try it out without having to spend money. Every two days, the team allocates you a certain amount of Olympia (OLY) tokens that you use to bet on different prediction markets. If you do well in the market, you win Gnosis (GNO) tokens. You can sell GNO on the open market which gives them some monetary value. The next phase of Gnosis is its Management Interface. The team released a beta version in December 2017 but haven’t announced a date for the main net release. The Management Interface is basically your dashboard for Gnosis’s prediction markets. It’s here that you check your balance, participate in markets, and even create your own market. Gnosis includes two types of tokens: Gnosis (GNO) and OWL. GNO are the ERC20 tokens that the team sold during their ICO. They created 10 million GNO tokens and aren’t minting any additional ones. These are the tokens that you see being traded on the open market. By staking GNO, you receive OWL tokens. To do this, you must lock your GNO in a smart contract making them non-transferable. The amount of OWL you receive is dependent on the length of your lock period as well as the total supply of OWL tokens in the market. The team is aiming to have 20x more total OWL than the average amount of monthly OWL usage over the previous 3 months. The Gnosis team is led by Martin Köppelmann (CEO), Stefan George (CTO), and Dr. Friederike Ernst (COO). Köppelmann and George began working on the platform in January 2015 as one of the first ConsenSys partners. By August of that same year, they launched the alpha product as the first major dapp on Ethereum. In April 2017, the project held somewhat of a controversial Initial Coin Offering (ICO). Using a dutch auction style of raising funds, the team hit their $12.5 million hard cap in ten minutes while retaining 95% of the tokens. Amidst backlash, the team locked the tokens in a vault and have promised not to dump them on the market. They’ll give at least a three-month warning before selling any of the tokens. The team includes quite a list of reputable advisors including Joseph Lubin (Ethereum co-founder and ConsenSys founder) and Vitalik Buterin (Ethereum founder and chief scientist).
TrueUSD provides its token holders regular attestations of escrowed balances, full collateral, and also the legal protection against misappropriating underlying USD. The team believes that TrueUSD will be able to come up with the stable trading instrument for the traders of cryptocurrency that has been long-awaited. This will allow the businesses and consumers to use the digital currency as a medium of an exchange. The goal of the TrueUSD team was to build a coin that is stable and which can be used and trusted by them too. TrustToken is a platform that creates the tokens backed by assets that can easily be purchased and sold all around the world. The first asset token of TrustToken is TrueUSD, which is a stable coin and can be redeemed 1-for-1 for US dollars. TrustToken have partnered with registered fiduciaries and banks for holding the funds securely backed by TrueUSD tokens. To increase the amount of security, fiduciaries, and banks directly handle all the funds. Escrowed funds do not give access to the TrueUSD system. TrueUSD works with various trust companies which already manage around billions of dollars. Just pass an AML/KYC check, send USD to a trust company with an agreement of escrow. When the funds get verified, their API tells the smart contract of TUSD to mint an equal amount of TUSD to your public Ethereum address. The USD funds are regularly verified in scheduled attestations by a very much trusted auditing firm. USD funds are kept safely in a third party account, that is escrow accounts, wherein TrustToken does not hold any direct access to the funds and cannot abscond with them even if they wish to. The token burning and minting system makes sure that every TUSD token is backed by 1 USD. A mandatory check of AML/KYC makes sure that TUSD keeps shady people away from the entire project. TUSD makes faster transactions in low transaction fees. Even though TUSD is a unique offering, it is most likely overshadowed by its bigger competitors - Tether. While TUSD arguably offers more security and features, it may be losing the marketing battle. This is not to say that the situation will remain the same. With more crypto investors joining the market every day, the good times for TUSD may be on their way.