'Humanscape is a decentralized patient network based on blockchains. Humanscape can provide practical help for patients to overcome their diseases through intellectual and emotional interaction with each other based on community activities. This process is expected to generate and collect a high volume of patient data, namely PGHD, on various disease groups in our data hub. Furthermore, Humanscape facilitates active research into incurable diseases and the development of new drugs by linking patients to external industry sectors such as pharmaceutical firms and research institutes and helps patients to avoid complications and enjoy healthy lives through the continuous self-management of their lifestyle and symptoms. Data being stored on blockchain, no third party can monopolize health data and profit made out PGHD will be returned to patients. With these services, Humanscape is taking steps to liberate patients from incurable diseases, as its contribution to a world where everyone is healthy.'
'Solve.Care is a healthcare IT company that builds blockchain platforms which the team believes may improve the way healthcare is delivered and managed. The Solve.Care platform reportedly uses blockchain technology as the underlying distributed ledger for coordinating care, benefits and payments between all parties in the chain of healthcare: patients, doctors, pharmacies, laboratories, employers, insurers, and others. SOLVE tokens may be used to secure efficient and transparent healthcare administration around the world. The token supply is fixed and the price variable, as determined by market supply and demand. SOLVE token runs natively on the Ethereum blockchain and is designed to follow the ERC20 token standard. SOLVE utility tokens are the currency used for transactions on the platform. According to the foundation, they can be utilized to pay for Care Administration Network fees, establish Care.Wallets, purchase Care.Cards, and participate in Care.Marketplace services as well as pay for associated integration fees. In addition, SOLVE is reportedly used for the emission of Care.Coins and payments requiring Care.Coins.'