Horyou, is a unique platform for social good, allowing to share ideas, be inspired and help each other. Horyou connects individuals, organizations and entities fostering social good (https://www.horyou.com/). Blockchain is one of the latest revolutionary technologies. It has taken industries by storm and shown a new way of embracing technology with the most advanced concepts of decentralization, inclusion and participation. Blockchain technology holds great promise. However, up until now, a plethora of interests has flooded Blockchain platforms and projects with speculative strategies, driven by greed and speculation rather than vision and passion. At a time when society is facing worldwide challenges including those mentioned within the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, we believe in technological advancements that create a fairer, more inclusive and more sustainable world. So, how can Blockchain be at the service of social good? At Horyou, we believe in Blockchain supporting decentralization and bringing social good everywhere in the world. We call it Blockchain with a Purpose. We're introducing HoryouToken, our utility token built on top of Ethereum Blockchain to fuel the virtuous circle of Horyou interactions. HoryouToken makes it possible for anyone to participate in social good by providing access to a traceable and intelligent philanthropic redistribution service called 'Proof of Impact'.
Quasar Coin 'Fair travel' is also referred to as 'good travel' as a concept derived from fair trade, in which producers and consumers form a comparable relationship. It has been promoted in European and other English-speaking countries since the 2000s to reflect the environmental pollution, destruction of civilization and waste caused by the trips, and to give a little help to the residents of difficult countries. We want to build a platform in which travelers, hotels, restaurants and stores around the world can mutually satisfy each other through fair trade. Technically, we have built up an advanced reputation system based on a block chain, a simple payment system in the form of a credit card, various APIs, an instant transaction system to minimize the variability of cryptocurrency, In business, it provides discounts through discounted quasar cards and eliminates anxiety factors by using proven companies, and provides companies with promotional effects and sales increase within the Quasar platform. Quasar Coin has adopted the bit coin platform, which has been proven to be safe as the first cryptocurrency, and applied Light Coin to reduce block time for quick settlement in daily transactions. In addition, for smooth block mining, it solves the difficulty-bomb problem which intentionally raises difficulty to make it difficult to mine. Since the development of the quasar coin has already been completed, the project team has focused on the development of the related infrastructure system in order to activate the transaction of the cryptocurrency. Quasar Card Quasar cards are the easiest payment method for users who are familiar with using credit cards when paying by quasar coin, and can be paid by various methods such as QR code, IC chip and NFC according to the status of the receiving terminal of the company. By combining the unique hash codes given by the system when issuing the card based on the public key, illegal settlement is prevented so that it can only be used with the public key Smart Wallet In general, mobile wallet offers three basic functions, sending coins, receiving coins and transaction records. Quasar's Smart Wallet can provide search for businesses, view reputation, write reviews, reserve / pay when needed as an advanced for of smart wallet. Business In general, mobile wallet offers three basic functions, sending coins, receiving coins and transaction records. Quasar's Smart Wallet can provide search for businesses, view reputation, write reviews, reserve / pay when needed as an advanced for of smart wallet.