IPchain is a block chain product for the application in the field of intellectual property. Launched in October, 2016, after months of market analysis, technical solutions research, and communication with experts in the field of intellectual property, the technical basis of IP Chain was determined to be the block chain technology based on the model of UTXO, which is similar to Bitcoin network. Through adopting Consensus Mechanism of DPOC (one of the improved solutions of DPOS) and with reference to the transaction model for the characteristic of products in the field of intellectual property, IPC Chain aims at providing a flexible and rigorous solution of intellectual property block chain.
yoyow.org is a Blockchain-based social media platform developed by senior members of China Bitshares community. yoyow intends to become the blockchain version of Facebook, Quora and Zhihu, it uses a new consensus algorithm – PoF (proof of flow) to reward content creators, curators and third party platforms. Unlike its competitors, yoyow provides full toolkit for content compliance. But yet, it is still a fully decentralized blockchain content platform.