JEWEL (JWL) is a non – government-controlled digital currency that allows you to send money anywhere in the world instantly, securely and virtually free of charge. Moreover, the JWL aims to empower people to achieve financial independence by making each JWL coin an interest-bearing asset with a high annual interest rate. This state-of-the-art financial instrument can serve as a great way to preserve the value that is supported by network protocols, infrastructure, and services.
Fountain is committed to creating a win-win, sustainable content ecosystem. Rewarding FTN based on each user's contribution to the community, allowing the profit of the content to eventually return to the creator. Fountain is a block-chained content ecosystem based on Proof of Contribution. Through a set of clear proof of contribution rules, blockchain technology is used to record the contributions of all participants. After accurate calculation, tokens are awarded to all participants. This will effectively motivate people to participate deeply in a content community application and the entire ecosystem, contributing to their strength. With the constant growth and development of the ecology, Fountain has a rich content community application, and the author, readers, curators, IP investors, block nodes, application developers and many other roles will be taken from the token. Their income. The ultimate realization of our vision: a win-win, sustainable content ecosystem.