JEWEL (JWL) is a non – government-controlled digital currency that allows you to send money anywhere in the world instantly, securely and virtually free of charge. Moreover, the JWL aims to empower people to achieve financial independence by making each JWL coin an interest-bearing asset with a high annual interest rate. This state-of-the-art financial instrument can serve as a great way to preserve the value that is supported by network protocols, infrastructure, and services.
Vitae is not just a token. Much like life, it has a purpose. This purpose is to provide prosperity through POS (Proof Of Stake), Master Node, Super Node and our own Social Rewards Website. PROSPERITY FOR EVERYONE! Available around the world, Vitae can make a difference to everyone. ANTI INFLATIONARY Providing tremendous rewards for Staking, Master Nodes and Super Nodes, Vitae Token provides an increasing supply to those that receive rewards. Combined with our Social Rewards Platform, the generation of anti inflationary income is possible.