Kcash is a decentralized digital wallet supporting multiple blockchain assets. It allows you to store, send and receive blockchain assets safely and gives you 100% control of your assets. With Kcash you can manage all your blockchain assets and will be able to connect them with the physical world soon.
PIRATE (ARRR) is the best of Zcash (ZEC) combined with the best of Monero (XMR) and secured by Komodo's (KMD) Delayed-Proof-of-Work (dPoW) It’s a forced Shielded-transactions (z-transactions) only blockchain, meant for completely anonymous transactions. PIRATE is mined into a transparent address, but can only go into a shielded address from there. PIRATE is an independent blockchain built using the Komodo Platform assetchains. PIRATE is feature complete for its goal: complete anonymity.