The vision of KuaiToken (KT) is to build a global decentralized pan-entertainment ecosystem. In the future, in various pan-entertainment platforms within the ecosystem, such as exchanges, games, live broadcasts, etc., KT will exist as the basis for the circulation and consumption of tokens for each platform. KuaiToken, KT is a digital currency based on Ethereum Smart Contracts. It has the characteristics of stable value, openness, transparency, high recognition, and decentralized payment. All data of the KuaiToken is open, transparent, and non-tamperable. The price of each KuaiToken is fixed at approximately $0.15 (or 1CNY).
CargoX aims to disrupt the global logistics industry by replacing legacy paper Bill of Lading documents with Smart B/L Contract based on blockchain technology to able to state and transfer cargo ownership rights without the hassle of handling paper. CargoX brings benefits of substantial increase in speed and security, and 10x cost reduction. CargoX has a viable business model, no competition and wide industry support - including already confirmed 2018/Q2 pilot deployment.