Levolution is truly a one stop shop. Understanding the difficulties ITO creators face, Levolution aims to help you develop, market, launch, and optimize your projects before, during, and after the ITO. With an all-in-one platform, even the most inexperienced ITO creator will be able to create smart contracts, retain experienced, reputable service providers who will help make their campaigns a success, and gain access to a previously untapped network of contributors.
'Carry Protocol is a blockchain project that compensates consumers for sharing their data and receiving ads. Carry compensates individual consumers for 1. sharing their offline purchase data to build the most comprehensive offline purchase database, and 2. receiving ads from advertisers that use the Carry database to send targeted ads. Carry empowers consumers by giving them back the full control of their data and its monetization, and enables businesses to send targeted ads to the right consumers using the shared data. '