As a pioneering Blockchain enterprise in Vietnam, our journey begins with the desire to apply technology in solving problems of technological inadequacy in the country's agriculture. Our passion and constant efforts motivated us to rise beyond our expectations. The mission Lina Network chases after is applying transparent technology in connecting humans and providing practical solutions for the society. At Lina Network, we believe digital transformation provides great value for life, thereby it is an indispensable tendency in this day and age. We expand our projects in multi-industry such as produce traceability, supply chain, health-care and e-government, etc… with the aim of finding only right answers for all drawbacks and creating positive changes in our society. Lina Network Ecosystem We develop projects that are inextricably linked to one another to form an ecosystem which gives facilities for approaching urgent issues in society from different aspects. · Lina Review - The world’s first transparent review platform. · Lina FarmTrust - Produce traceability and farm management built on Blockchain. · Lina Market - An agricultural e-commerce platform, connects manufacturers and consumers. · Lina MediTrust - An electronic health record storage and management system. · Lina e-Government - A platform that digitizes all information of citizens, verified by the government. Lina Network’s Potentials: · A multinational corporation with members from different countries across the world such as Switzerland, Germany, United States, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, etc… · A leading enterprise in Vietnam that deploys modern technologies such as Blockchain, Big Data and AI. · Lina Network ecosystem consists of projects that are inextricably linked to provide transparent solutions and build trust for society.
HYCON, which stands for Hyper-Connected Coin, is the digital asset built on top of a faster and more scalable blockchain developed by the Infinity Project team in Gangnam, Seoul. Using a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) structure, it has the capability to publish several blocks simultaneously with the ability to resolve conflicting transactions and reject double-spends through the SPECTRE consensus algorithm. This makes HYCON a next-generation cryptocurrency which can be used in the real economy. Honest transactions can be confirmed or rejected definitively in mere seconds, due to the high volume of blocks published within that time interval. Transactional throughput up to 3000Tps on a 2MB/s connection can be achieved as a starting point of the project. The DAG structure coupled with the SPECTRE protocol allows for network latency to be essentially removed as a limiting factor on transactional throughput. Blocks that are received out of order can still be ordered based on their implied position in the DAG rather than the time they were received. HYCON is Phase 1 of the Infinity Project Ecosystem and positioned for wide adoption as an efficient medium of exchanging value for enterprises, small businesses, governments, NGOs, and individuals. Together with the Infinity blockchain, HYCON will power the Infinity Platform (Phase 2) and Infinity Decentralized Exchange (Phase 3). The Infinity Platform will feature a simple and intuitive user interface to empower anyone with the ability to create their own customized and private Infinity blockchain. For example, enterprise solutions built upon the Infinity Platform will help increase accountability, enhance transparency, and improve data security, thus bringing value to companies and society.