Linkey Blockchain World Bank (simple as Linkey), is the first decentralized financial services institution supplies professional digital asset related product in the world. Based on the advanced public chain and community of technicians and financial elites from the world, Linkey provides comprehensive, safe, convenient and professional asset management and value-added services to customers. Linkey covers the business scope like savings, investment banking, insurance trust, futures, investment management and wealth management of the digital asset area and promotes the development of digital asset investment. With abundant digital financial services, Linkey provides a safe, convenient and decentralized one-stop digital asset investment management program. Customers can join the lower risk business, like saving and deposit in traditional bank; otherwise, customers can also invest financial products with low to medium level risk; even more, future products, private funds and ICO related products with high risk and profits are also supplied to customers. Through the comprehensive digital asset investing services, customers can choose and allocate their digital asset investment plan freely, which will greatly enhance the professional and effectiveness of their digital asset investment.
' 100 (CIX100) is a digital expression of the top coins that continuously recalculates itself. The index represents a mathematically computed value of all the coins, included in the structure of the index, which is changing every second along with the movements of their price. It is integrated with the multitude of main cryptocurrency exchanges, tracking of tens of millions of trades and orders per day. The unique aspect of Cryptoindex is that it tracks the entire crypto market, not just the Bitcoin space but taking into account the likes of Ripple and Ethereum and etc. Over 1,800 coins are put through our fixed set of filters, which provides around 500 coins as a rough output. Data is collected from cryptocurrency exchanges, news, social media, such as Twitter, GitHub, and other sources. The collated data is used to extract over 200 factors that create a refined ranking in the index. Then, the factors are fed into the neural network, creating a final rating of coins, with the top 100 coins making up the Cryptoindex 100. Rebalancing of the Cryptoindex 100 happens monthly, when the composition of the index is changed by up to 22% on average. '