Linkey Blockchain World Bank (simple as Linkey), is the first decentralized financial services institution supplies professional digital asset related product in the world. Based on the advanced public chain and community of technicians and financial elites from the world, Linkey provides comprehensive, safe, convenient and professional asset management and value-added services to customers. Linkey covers the business scope like savings, investment banking, insurance trust, futures, investment management and wealth management of the digital asset area and promotes the development of digital asset investment. With abundant digital financial services, Linkey provides a safe, convenient and decentralized one-stop digital asset investment management program. Customers can join the lower risk business, like saving and deposit in traditional bank; otherwise, customers can also invest financial products with low to medium level risk; even more, future products, private funds and ICO related products with high risk and profits are also supplied to customers. Through the comprehensive digital asset investing services, customers can choose and allocate their digital asset investment plan freely, which will greatly enhance the professional and effectiveness of their digital asset investment.
A decentralized network built on top of Ethereum, which allows anyone, anywhere to request a payment. The request can be detected and paid in a secure way, without the need to involve a third party. The request is saved on an immutable, authentic ledger, which acts as a unique source of truth for accounting and auditing processes. Request integrates a trade law system and works across every legislation. Request works with every global currency. Request is designed to be flexible, to last hundreds of years, and to work with IoT, whilst being compatible with any future systems. Request donation modal went live today. Thought you might be interested to include it in your footer instead of just the addresses. As an FYI, it's fully decentralized and free to use -- we don't take any added fees (the only cost is the Ethereum gas). It can be integrated with a simple code snippet. Anyways, check it out if you have a chance -- here's a link to the site: You can check out CoinBureau for the complete review of Request Network.