MB8 Coin will be used as the ‘fuel’ for the existing Multibuy loyalty rewards network. MB8 Coin will be the first ever cryptocurrency that is released with a proven real world use and will be accepted as part or whole payment within the existing network of vendors and retailers. MB8 Coin is set to become the backbone of the rewards network that has already been white labelled by over 2100 businesses.
Bitcoin Interest ('BCI') is a competitive staking cryptocurrency focusing on three key areas Technology, Community, and Savings. Our blockchain has new integrated savings technology that allows our users to safely park their coins and earn interest payments without ever moving coins from their wallets. Unlike other interest payment platforms that require you to send your coins to them, Bitcoin Interest is the first fully decentralized interest payments platform that will never ask you to send your coins anywhere! With our advanced interest technology you can hold your coins in your own wallet and receive interest payments with absolutely no risk to you. You'll never be required to trust your coin holdings with anyone again!