MB8 Coin will be used as the ‘fuel’ for the existing Multibuy loyalty rewards network. MB8 Coin will be the first ever cryptocurrency that is released with a proven real world use and will be accepted as part or whole payment within the existing network of vendors and retailers. MB8 Coin is set to become the backbone of the rewards network that has already been white labelled by over 2100 businesses.
BCZERO Coin is a platform for the future of funding for all kind of payments to the Truck Racing Community worldwide that is build on Top of the Ethereum blockchain. It will act as a payment platform for payment of Racing Series and Racing Events in China, India, Europe, Asea and South America, as well as for Sponsorships, Merchandising and Racing Fans. -Truck Racing community worldwide -Off-Road Racing -Circuit Racing -Marketing & Merchandising -Tokens and Smart Contracts -Global Payment -Private Transactions -Sponsorships